As per the wish of CM Vishnu Dev Sai, the auction of wood through e-auction by the Forest Department in the state of Chhattisgarh has successfully started from Dhamtari Forest Division.
Here, the Forest Department has received a revenue of Rs 39 lakh 54 thousand 310 from the sale of 210 lots out of 254 lots of wood auctioned through e-auction. The auction lot included timber, bamboo, firewood and other woods. 134 bidders participated in the e-auction.
CM Vishnu Dev : It is noteworthy here that recently, in the 301st meeting of the Forest Produce State Trade Inter-Departmental Committee (IDC) held at Mahanadi Mantralaya Bhavan under the chairmanship of Forest Minister Shri Kedar Kashyap, it was decided to auction the timber of the Forest Department through e-auction., Its objective is to ensure transparency, efficiency in the working of the forest department and determination of fair price of forest produce. Any bidder can participate in the e-auction process from anywhere.Bidders are not required to be present on the spot. The objective of auction through e-auction is to provide convenience to buyers, transparency in auction and increase in revenue. Forest Minister Shri Kedar Kashyap has expressed happiness over the successful start of auction of timber through e-auction in Dhamtari Forest Division. And congratulated the officials for promptly starting the process of e-auction in the state. The Forest Minister has expressed hope that this will increase the revenue.