Angural takes “Hafta” even from a Kulfiwala

Angural takes “Hafta” even from a Kulfiwala

The BJP candidate Sheetal Angural came under heavy fire from the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Punjab for betraying the people of Jalandhar West, disobeying their mandate, and putting his own criminal activities ahead of the welfare of the populace.

At a news conference on Thursday in Jalandhar, AAP Minister Aman Arora posed five questions to Sheetal Angural and stated that the people of Jalandhar West want his answers. Aman Arora was accompanied by Barinder Goyal, the MLA of Lehra, and Pawan Kumar Tinu, the AAP candidate for the Jalandhar Lok Sabha.

The AAP leader claimed that Sheetal Angural forced this by-election on the Jalandhar community out of self-interest. He declared that the people of Jalandhar will now teach this turncoat a lesson because he had betrayed them. According to Arora, Sheetal Angural disregarded the mandate and the people of his constituency in favor of the autocratic BJP party. He claimed that those like Sheetal Angural are aiding the BJP in their efforts to undermine our democracy and constitution. Voting against these individuals and parties, who are posing a threat to our democracy, is what the AAP leader asked the public to do. He claimed that the only party fighting to preserve Baba Saheb Ambedkar’s constitution is the Aam Aadmi Party.

The people of Jalandhar West, according to Aman Arora, are quite familiar with Sheetal Angural. However, the Aam Aadmi Party still has some concerns for the ex-MLA to address before he goes about asking for people’s votes and trust after violating them in such a way.

According to Aman Arora, Sheetal Angural originally submitted his resignation approximately two and a half months ago. He then attempted to revoke it following the general elections, but the speaker had already accepted it by then. The AAP leader questioned why, after serving as a BJP campaigner for two and a half months, Sheetal Angural decided to rescind his resignation and rejoin the AAP immediately following the elections. Did he personally observe Punjabis’ refusal to tolerate a corrupt party such as the BJP? According to Arora, Punjab has two MLAs and no MPs for the BJP.

The second issue that every citizen of Jalandhar West is wondering is: if Sheetal Angural and Sushil Kumar Rinku were each other’s enemies, under what circumstances did they end up being allies? What do they stand to gain from their recently formed alliance? The AAP Minister claimed that everyone is aware of the two parties’ unwavering hatred for one another, the fact that they spared no family in their conflict, and the fact that hundreds of their supporters suffered injuries or sacrificed their lives defending them. What will now transpire with those supporters?

Aman Arora went on to say that the elected official’s duty is to maintain peace and order within his area. According to Arora, Sheetal Angural had a criminal history, but even throughout these two years, he continued to associate with criminals, drug traffickers, betters, and illicit liquor mafias, engaging in these illegal operations. According to Arora, Sheetal Angural disregarded his duties and betrayed the people of Jalandhar West. He has to take responsibility for his failure, Arora stated.

What kind of work did Sheetal Angural approach Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann for? This is the fourth question posed by the Aam Aadmi party. The AAP government, according to Aman Arora, is totally dedicated to Punjab’s growth. He claimed that the claims made by Sheetal Angural about the CM’s disregard for any constituency’s development efforts are obviously false. He went on to say that the CM never supports corrupt people or even considers unlawful suggestions. Thus, Sheetal Angural needs to be more specific about the works he is referring to if he claims they were not completed while the AAP government was in power.
The AAP chief also questioned Sheetal Angural’s conflicting claims. According to Arora, Sheetal Angural spent forty minutes singing Bhagwant Mann’s praises in the sacred assembly, but now he is criticizing the same person. According to him, Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann is the same and does not tolerate corruption of any kind. Thus, Sheetal Angural needs to clarify if he lied during the assembly or if he is lying right now.

According to Aman Arora, the BJP leaders are bringing up the corporate funding scandal once more, in which Rs. 1000 crore was used to improve Jalandhar city as part of a smart city initiative. He added that the BJP leaders had discussed this issue during the Jalandhar Lok Sabha seat by-election, but they had never looked into it. What was stopping them, he asked? Arora claimed that the Congress and BJP were all genuinely dishonest, working together to steal Jalandhar’s development funds, and that as of right now, nothing substantial has been done about it. BJP politicians are merely fulfilling a formality when they write letters to the center; they do this only when they have their own administration there. So who should they be deceiving with these dramas, if anyone?

Aman Arora came to the conclusion that Mohinder Bhagat, the Aam Aadmi Party candidate, has a very clean image. His father, Chunni Lal Bhagat, was a minister who accomplished a lot of development and worked hard for Jalandhar. Therefore, in this by-election, the voters of Jalandhar West should only choose an honest leader like Mohinder Bhagat.


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