The newly elected MLAs in the assembly by-election met CM Bhajan Lal Sharma at the Chief Minister’s residence on Sunday. Chief Minister Smt. Shanta Devi, MLA from Salumber Jhunjhunu MLA Mr. Rajendra Bhambu, Deoli-Uniara MLA Mr. Rajendra Gurjar, Ramgarh MLA Mr. Sukhwant Singh and Khinvsar MLA Mr. Revantram Danga were congratulated for their victory and welcomed with a scarf.
While talking to the MLAs, Shri Sharma said that as a public representative, your responsibility towards your constituency and the people of the state has increased.He expressed confidence that all the newly elected MLAs will become participants in the development journey of Rajasthan by working with dedication for public service and will realize the concept of developed Rajasthan.
On this occasion, Deputy Chief Minister Dr. Premchand Bairwa, MP Shri Madan Rathod, Shri Radhamohan Das Agarwal, members of the State Council of Ministers, MLAs and public representatives were present.