CM Nitish Kumar today remotely inaugurated the construction work of 6659 sports grounds in 5671 gram panchayats under the Rural Development Department from ‘Sankalp’ located at 1, Anne Marg.Under the MNREGA scheme under the Rural Development Department, approval has been given for the construction of 6659 playgrounds in the first phase in all 38 districts, 533 blocks and 5671 gram panchayats of the state.In which a total amount of Rs 63,827.35 lakh is involved. An estimated 41 lakh man days will be generated in the sports ground construction work.
Through a presentation during the program, Rural Development Department Secretary Shri Lokesh Kumar Singh gave detailed information about the schemes being started. is known That in order to promote sports in the rural areas of the state and to provide sports opportunities to the youth of rural areas as well as to strengthen the sports infrastructure, the Rural Development Department has developed sports grounds in Gram Panchayats under the MNREGA scheme. Are going.
As a result of the development of sports grounds, awareness about sports among the youth of rural areas will increase and their enthusiasm will also increase. With the development of sports grounds, opportunities for sports competitions and competitions will be available among the youth. In the course of development of sports grounds, laborers in rural areas will get employment opportunities. Based on the availability of land, the following three types of sports grounds are being developed in rural areas.The first type of playgrounds will be of large size, with an area of up to 4 acres. Facilities for cricket, football, basketball, volleyball, running track, badminton, high jump, long jump, kabaddi and kho-kho games will be developed for the rural youth as per the local requirement for the village youth to play in the big playground.The second type of playgrounds will be of medium size with an area of 1 to 1.5 acres. Medium sized sports grounds include cricket, football, basketball, volleyball, running track,Facilities for badminton, high jump and long jump will be developed for rural youth as per local need. The third type of playground is of small size. Whose area is less than one acre. It includes a total of four types of sports facilities basketball, volleyball, running track and badminton. In the program, the Chief Minister was welcomed by Shri Lokesh Kumar Singh, Secretary, Rural Development Department, by presenting him a green sapling.
On this occasion, Deputy Chief Minister Shri Samrat Chaudhary, Deputy Chief Minister Shri Vijay Kumar Sinha, Rural Development Minister Shri Shravan Kumar, Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister Shri Deepak Kumar, Chief Secretary Shri Amritlal Meena,Development Commissioner Shri Pratyaya Amrit, Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister Dr. S. Siddharth, Additional Chief Secretary of Revenue and Land Reforms Department Shri Deepak Kumar Singh, Secretary of Rural Development Department Shri Lokesh Kumar Singh, Officer on Special Duty to the Chief Minister Shri Gopal Singh,Commissioner, MNREGA Mrs. Abhilasha Sharma and other senior officers were present while District Magistrates of all the districts were connected through video conferencing and Panchayat public representatives and a large number of youth were also connected to the program through web casting at the commencement site.