CM Nitish Kumar today during the second phase of Pragati Yatra inspected the starting point of the proposed Mirganj bypass at Salem Patti village of Uchkagaon block of Gopalganj districtDuring this, the officials informed the Chief Minister about the route planning method of the proposed schemes under Hathua subdivision of Gopalganj district.Under this, the Chief Minister was told that the total length of the Mirganj bypass road is proposed to be 3 km. The Chief Minister also inquired about the widening work of the entire road from Mirganj bypass to Pagda (U.P. border) of Vijayipur block. Under this, the proposed total length of Bhore-Vijayipur-Pagda road via Mirganj bypass is 47 km. The officials told the Chief Minister that the proposed total length of Bairia bypass road is 5.7 km and the total length of HL bridge to be built on Dahi river from Uchkagaon will be 60 meters.
After this, the Chief Minister also inspected the last end of the proposed Gopalganj bypass at Turkahan village of Chauraon Panchayat where the officials told the Chief Minister that its proposed total length is 12.65 km.
During the inspection, Deputy Chief Minister cum Road Construction Minister Shri Vijay Kumar Sinha, Water Resources cum Parliamentary Affairs Minister Shri Vijay Kumar Choudhary, Education Minister Shri Sunil Kumar, Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe Welfare Minister Shri Janak Ram,Sugarcane Industry Minister Shri Krishnanandan Paswan, MLA Shri Amarendra Kumar Pandey, Legislative Councilor Shri Rajiv Kumar, former Minister Shri Ramsevak Singh and other public representatives, Development Commissioner Shri Pratyaya Amrit, Chief Minister’s Principal Secretary Dr. S. Siddharth,Additional Chief Secretary of Road Construction Department Mr. Mihir Kumar Singh, Special Officer to the Chief Minister Mr. Gopal Singh, Additional Director General of Police,Headquarters Mr. Kundan Krishnan, Chairman of Bihar State Bridge Construction Corporation Limited Mr. Shirshat Kapil Ashok, District Magistrate of Gopalganj District Mr. Prashant Kumar CH and other senior officers were present.