Punjab Vidhan Sabha Speaker, Kultar Singh Sandhwan, took part in the 85th All India Presiding Officer’s Conference held in Patna, Bihar, on January 21-22, 2025. During his visit, he also paid tribute at the Vaishali Stupa, a sacred site linked to Lord Buddha and recognized as the birthplace of the world’s first Republic.
In his speech at the conference, Speaker Kultar Singh Sandhwan congratulated Shri Om Birla, Speaker of the Lok Sabha, and Shri Nand Kishore Yadav, Speaker of the Bihar Legislative Assembly, as well as all the presiding officers from various states. He praised their collective efforts in upholding the dignity of Indian democracy. Kultar Singh Sandhwan emphasized that the Indian Constitution is not merely a historical milestone, but an ongoing and interconnected guiding framework for modern democracy. He stressed that it is not only the responsibility of the legislature, executive, and judiciary to safeguard the Constitution, but also the duty of every Indian citizen, considering the long struggle for freedom that led to its creation.
Additionally, Speaker Kultar Singh Sandhwan expressed concern about the limited content in current educational materials for children, which, although necessary, does not accurately depict the functioning of Parliament and legislatures. He proposed that schoolchildren be encouraged to attend live legislative sessions to gain a better understanding of the democratic process and spark their curiosity. To support this, the Punjab Vidhan Sabha has begun inviting students to observe House sessions, a step he considered highly beneficial for the development of young minds.
During his visit to Bihar, Speaker Kultar Singh Sandhwan was warmly received by Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Bihar Spokesperson Dr. Hem Narayan Vishwakarma and AAP leader Bablu Prakash, who gifted him a statue of Lord Buddha. In his remarks, Sandhwan expressed his pride in visiting Vaishali, a historically significant site and the birthplace of the world’s first Republic. He called for global efforts to promote and preserve this heritage.
Speaker Kultar Singh Sandhwan also extended his gratitude to Shri Nand Kishore Yadav, Speaker of the Bihar Vidhan Sabha, for the excellent arrangements made during his visit. He emphasized the need for collective efforts to revive the importance of Vaishali and promote India’s rich cultural heritage on the global stage.