Education and Panchayati Raj Minister Madan Dilawar said that due to the successes of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), the tricolor is flying high in the sky today. Due to ISRO, our Chandrayaan has successfully hoisted the tricolor on the south pole of the moon. For this, he thanked the scientists of ISRO.
Education Minister Madan Dilawar was addressing the students and scientists present at the Vikram Sarabhai Space Exhibition organized by ISRO at Krishi Upaj Mandi Samiti located in Ramganj Mandi of Kota assembly constituency on Sunday.
Minister Madan Dilawar praised the organization of the exhibition and said that this effort will inspire the country’s upcoming generation to join ISRO. The guidance given by the scientists to the local children in this two-day event will definitely bring positive results and children’s interest in space science will increase.
Minister Madan Dilawar said that ISRO’s work is like making dreams come true for common people and especially children. Reaching the moon was like a fairy tale, which ISRO has turned into reality.
Praising the education system in Rajasthan, Mr. Dilawar said that he was happy to know that two scientists in the ISRO team are from Rajasthan. Minister Madan Dilawar expressed hope that after this exhibition, students of Ramganj Mandi will also become ISRO scientists.
Education Minister Madan Dilawar said that all the necessary resources are being provided for better education in the government schools of Ramganj Mandi. Smart classes, robotic labs and other facilities will also be provided.He also said that soon a Sainik School for girl students will be opened in Ramganj Mandi and a residential Veda Vidyalaya will also be started here. There will be no shortage in the field of education in Ramganj Mandi.
Mr. Paresh Sarvaiya, head of the team of ISRO scientists, presented a prototype of India’s Chandrayaan-3 landing on the south pole of the Moon to Education and Panchayati Raj Minister Madan Dilawar as a memento. On this occasion, Education Minister Shri Dilawar inspected the exhibition and took detailed information about each model from the students present at the stall.