Ministry of Textiles : Twelve skill development courses have been launched to provide training across the entire value chain.
The Secretary of the Ministry of Textiles chaired the 10th Empowered Programme Committee (EPC) meeting under the National Technical Textiles Mission today at Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi.
During the meeting, the committee approved four startups under the ‘Grant for Research & Entrepreneurship across Aspiring Innovators in Technical Textiles (GREAT)’ scheme, each receiving a grant of approximately INR 50 lakhs. These approved startup projects focus on key areas such as Medical Textiles, Industrial Textiles, and Protective Textiles.
Additionally, the committee approved a grant of around INR 6.5 crores to three educational institutions to introduce courses in Technical Textiles under the ‘General Guidelines for Enabling Academic Institutes in Technical Textiles’ initiative. Among the approved institutions are IIT Indore and NIT Patna. The new courses will cover subjects such as Geotextiles, Geosynthetics, Protective Textiles, and Sports Textiles.
Additionally, the committee has approved 12 skill development courses in areas such as Medical Textiles, Protective Textiles, Mobile Textiles, and Agricultural Textiles. These courses, developed by three Textile Research Associations (SITRA, NITRA, and SASMIRA), aim to provide training to various focus groups within the technical textiles value chain.