UTTARAKHAND CM Pushkar Singh Dhami participated in the Skill Development and Employment Conclave at Doon University on Tuesday. On this occasion, an MoU was also signed between Generation India and the Government of UttarakhandThe Chief Minister said that this conclave will play an important role in opening doors of new possibilities in the field of skill development of our youth. This conclave will prove helpful in empowering the youth as per their potential and will also motivate them to become self-reliant.
The Chief Minister said that the government is working towards the goal of doubling the gross domestic product of the state. The state’s GDP has increased 1.3 times in two years. The Chief Minister said that many efforts have been made to promote investment in the state. 30 new policies have been made for various sectors in the state.Uttarakhand has also emerged as a leading state in providing employment to the youth of the state. The unemployment rate in the state has decreased by 4.4 percent in a year. The per capita income of the state has also increased rapidly. The state has got first place in the ranking of sustainable development goals released by NITI Aayog
The Chief Minister said that in the next five years, along with doubling the GSDP of the state, we will also do remarkable work in skill development and employment generation.The Chief Minister said that India is the youngest country in the world, where 65 percent of the population is below 35 years of age. If this energy is provided with the right direction and guidance,So our country will not only emerge as an economic superpower, but will also be able to lay the foundation of a strong and prosperous society. This is the reason why Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi started the Skill India campaign in 2015 itself.The main objective of this initiative was to provide excellent and commercially useful training to our youth as per their interest and abilities. This campaign is not only increasing employment opportunities for the youth, but is also playing an important role in building a self-reliant India.
The Chief Minister said that with the guidance and cooperation of the Central Government, our government is also continuously working in this regard with full commitment while giving priority to the youth power in the state.Many schemes and policies have been implemented making skill development a major agenda of the state. Youth are being encouraged for entrepreneurship through the Chief Minister Self-Employment Scheme.Under the Chief Minister Skill Development Scheme, employment-oriented training is being given to thousands of youth.
The Chief Minister said that today’s employment scenario is changing rapidly, new employment opportunities are being created due to technological innovation and global change.For this we have to make our youth “future ready”. In this direction, agreements have been made with various industries and corporate institutions to provide “demand based skill training” to the youth. 13 ITIs of the state Along with long term courses, training in 20 short term courses is being provided in the institutes. Also, I.T.I. A “Centre of Excellence” in the electrical sector has been established at Kashipur.ITI in collaboration with Philips A “Center of Excellence” for the manufacturing sector has been set up in Haridwar.An MoU has also been signed with Ashok Leyland Company, under which Ashok Leyland will provide internship and employment to one thousand of our youth in its plant every year.
The Chief Minister said that under the Foreign Placement Policy, the government is making arrangements to provide training to the youth of the state in various skills including foreign languages, so that our youth can compete at the international level and get better employment opportunitiesIn its first phase, 23 youth have been sent to Japan. A plan is being made to send 25 youth to Germany and Britain for nursing field.He said that through various sessions in this conclave, the ideas and suggestions generated from discussions on major growth drivers of the state, such as AYUSH, wellness, tourism, horticulture and food processing, forest-based livelihoods, digital marketing, knowledge-based economy, renewable energy etc. Will be received.They will prove to be extremely beneficial for the policies being formulated for skill development of youth in the state. Skill Development Minister Shri Saurabh Bahuguna said that the state government is continuously working towards skill development of the youth.As per the demand of industrial institutions, attention is being given to skill development of youth.
He said that there is no dearth of talent in Uttarakhand. Continuous efforts are being made to bring these talents forward. Short term courses are also being organized regularly for skill development of youth and women.On this occasion, Vice Chairman Infrastructure Council Mr. Vishwas Dabur, Chief Secretary Mrs. Radha Raturi, Vice Chairman Bridge Commission Mr. Rajshekhar Joshi, Principal Secretary Mr. R. K Sudhanshu, Smt. Sonia Pant, Nodal Officer from the State in NITI Aayog,Secretary Shri R. Meenakshi Sundaram, Shri Shailesh Bagoli, Vice Chancellor Doon University Prof. Surekha Dangwal, Additional Secretary Shri Vijay Jogdande, ACEO CPPGG Dr. Manoj Pant, Additional Secretary Shri Manmohan Mainali were present. Information and Public Relations Department