"Get Festive-Ready: 7 Simple Exercises to Lose Belly Fat in a Month!"

Plank Variations:   Master the classic plank and its variations to strengthen your core and melt away belly fat effectively.

Bicycle Crunches :  Engage your obliques with bicycle crunches for a toned midsection and a cinched waistline.

Mountain Climbers:  A high-intensity move that burns calories fast, mountain climbers target your core and boost overall fitness.

Russian Twists:   Add a twist to your routine with Russian twists, perfect for trimming down love handles and sculpting abs.

Leg Raises: Lift your way to a flat belly with leg raises, focusing on lower abdominal muscles for a sleek look.

Side Planks: Strengthen and tone your entire core with side planks, ensuring a balanced and firm midsection.