"Unveiling the Enigma: 5 Mysteries of Lord Kalki You Need to Discover"

"Unveiling the Enigma: 5 Mysteries of Lord Kalki You Need to Discover"

*Kalki Purana*: An entire Purana, the "Kalki Purana," is dedicated to the life and times of Kalki. It describes his lineage, birth, deeds, and the ultimate battle against the forces of adharma (unrighteousness).

*Eschatological Role*: Kalki is not just a savior but also a harbinger of the end times. His arrival is meant to destroy the corrupt and restore Dharma (righteousness).

*Predicted Time of Arrival*: The Puranic texts suggest that Kalki will appear at the end of Kali Yuga, which spans 432,000 years. According to Hindu cosmology, we are currently in the early stages of this age.

*Destruction and Renewal*: Kalki's mission includes the destruction of the wicked and the renewal of the cosmos. He is believed to usher in a new Satya Yuga (Age of Truth), starting a new cycle of cosmic time.