Today at the Jashpur district’s village of Bagiya, Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Deo Sai and his spouse attended a state-level Shala Pravesh Utsav program. He also went to an exhibition that was set up specifically for the occasion. He felt compelled to create a clay Diya after seeing a potter’s wheel on exhibit at a booth.
The Chief Minister is committed to making his dream of a modern, developed Chhattisgarh a reality by 2047. Similar to how he fashioned a Diya using a potter’s wheel, he hopes to mold Chhattisgarh into a state that fulfills the expectations of its citizens. The state of Chhattisgarh is establishing a solid basis for a thriving future through its efforts in education.
The aspirations of the people for Chhattisgarh will materialize with perseverance and determination, just like a potter shapes clay on a wheel.