Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar spoke to students from NIT, IIT, and IIM at the ‘Kalpanayein: Behtar Bharat Ki’ event at the Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Auditorium in Raipur, highlighting the crucial role of youth in making the dream of a developed India a reality.
During his interaction with the students, Vice President Jagdeep remarked, “You are studying at esteemed institutions that offer quality education in advanced technologies. India is advancing in fields like AI, machine learning, and green hydrogen.” He further stated that by 2047, when India celebrates the 100th anniversary of its independence, the vision of a strong, developed India will no longer be a mere aspiration, but a guaranteed reality.
Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar emphasized that India is on the path to becoming a global leader once again, driven by its youth. He urged everyone to support the use of domestic products over imported ones, noting that each citizen’s contribution can help strengthen India.
Governor Shri Ramen Deka stated that a strong India should be self-sufficient and globally connected. He emphasized that fostering a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship is key to achieving this vision. By empowering rural communities through sustainable agriculture, encouraging tribal entrepreneurship, and investing in modern infrastructure, Chhattisgarh can become a model for inclusive and sustainable development.
Governor Deka also highlighted that today’s youth are the architects of the future and must be equipped with skills that combine traditional knowledge with modern technology. Supporting skill development programs and self-reliance will create the foundation for a resilient economy and an inclusive society. To prepare young people for global challenges, it is essential to promote industry-focused education and advanced research institutions.
Chief Minister Shri Vishnu Deo Sai underscored the importance of understanding India’s rich history and enduring traditions to build a prosperous nation. He pointed out that India has been a global leader since ancient times, with prestigious universities like Takshashila and Nalanda. Societies that learn from their past are those that achieve the dream of a prosperous future.
Chief Minister Shri Sai also emphasized that India is making significant strides toward self-reliance in fields such as semiconductors and space technology. He discussed the country’s efforts to combat climate change, focusing on initiatives like green GDP, promoting green steel, and measures to cut carbon emissions, transforming challenges into opportunities.
During the event, Vice President Shri Dhankhar laid the foundation for a girls’ hostel at the NIT campus, funded by SECL’s CSR initiatives. The ceremony was attended by the Vice President’s spouse, Dr. Sudesh Dhankhar, Deputy Chief Minister Shri Vijay Sharma, Union Minister of State for Housing and Urban Development Shri Tokhan Sahu, Chairman of the Board of Governors of NIT Shri Suresh Haware, SECL CMD Dr. P.S. Mishra, IIT Director Prof. Rajeev Prakash, IIM Director Prof. R.K. Kakani, NIT Director Prof. N.V. Ramanna Rao, along with other distinguished guests and a large gathering of students from NIT, IIM, and IIT.