CM Mohan Yadav has directed senior officials to provide comprehensive assistance to the devotees traveling from to Prayagraj. He emphasized that ensuring the comfort and convenience of the devotees is a priority for the state government. Dr. Yadav communicated with Deputy Chief Minister Shri Rajendra Shukla, Chief Secretary Shri Anurag Jain, and senior officials from the Rewa division, seeking updates about the incident in Prayagraj from Japan. He instructed that adequate arrangements for food, water, helplines, and other essential services should be set up in the districts bordering Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh to support the devotees.
CM Mohan Yadav also appealed to the devotees to remain patient and cooperate with the local authorities. He expressed gratitude to voluntary organizations, local leaders, citizens, police, and administration officials for their efforts in maintaining order in the border districts following the tragic incident on Wednesday.
Expressing his deep sorrow over the unfortunate incident at the Prayagraj Mahakumbh, which resulted in the untimely deaths of three devotees from Madhya Pradesh, CM Mohan Yadav confirmed that financial assistance of Rs. two lakh each has been approved for the families of the deceased under the Mukhya Mantri Swechhanudan scheme. He assured that the district administration is providing all possible support to the grieving families as per the regulations. In this time of sorrow, the state government stands in solidarity with the families of the victims.CM Mohan Yadav also prayed to Baba Mahakal to grant peace to the departed souls and provide strength to their families during this difficult time.