CM Mohan Yadav paid tribute to Mahatma Gandhi at his statue in the India Club in Kobe, Japan, on Thursday, commemorating the 77th anniversary of the Father of the Nation’s passing. CM Mohan Yadav highlighted India’s significant progress under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi and reaffirmed his commitment to boosting industrial investment in Madhya Pradesh. He also acknowledged Japan’s robust industrial infrastructure and the keen interest shown by Japanese investors in the state.
CM Mohan Yadav emphasized that Mahatma Gandhi dedicated his entire life to serving the people of India. He upheld the values of truth, non-violence, love, and service, always prioritizing truth above all else. Gandhi Ji’s ideology and way of life continue to inspire not just India but the entire world. The Chief Minister also noted that Bapu lived an exemplary life, from his time in Africa to his leadership in India, enhancing the dignity of Indians globally.
CM Mohan Yadav stated that Mahatma Gandhi led the freedom movement through non-violent resistance against British rule. Quoting renowned scientist Albert Einstein, he mentioned that the world would be astonished that a frail man, with an extraordinary personality and determination stronger than the Himalayas, achieved such greatness. He emphasized that Bapu’s life remains a guiding example for all. On his death anniversary, he is remembered with deep respect and reverence.