CM Pushkar Singh Dhami inspected the preparations for the 38th National Games to be held in Uttarakhand from January 28, 2025. On Saturday, he visited the Maharana Pratap Stadium in Dehradun and reviewed various arrangements. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the Games.
CM Pushkar Singh Dhami directed the officials that all arrangements should be excellent keeping in mind the convenience of the players and visitors. With special focus on cleanliness, LED screens should be installed at the district and block level so that people can watch the live broadcast. Terming it as a golden opportunity for Uttarakhand to make a mark at the national level, he said that this will increase the inclination of the youth towards sports and the development of sports infrastructure will enable many competitions to be held in future as well.
The state government will give incentives equivalent to the prize money to the players who win medals. CM Pushkar Singh Dhami called for ensuring public participation to make the event grand and talked about organising Deepotsav and other programmes across the state. He directed that all necessary facilities be made available around the venues smoothly and proper arrangements be made for stay, transportation and health services of the players.
The National Games are being organised on the theme ‘Green Games. ” Keeping in mind the arrival of the Prime Minister,CM Pushkar Singh Dhami directed the police and administration to make better arrangements for security and traffic management. He also asked to ensure that no inconvenience is caused to the general public and proper parking arrangements are made.
Sports Minister Rekha Arya, Chief Secretary Radha Raturi, Principal Secretary RK Sudhanshu, DGP Deepam Seth, Special Principal Secretary Sports Ati Sinha, Secretary R Meenakshi Sundaram, Garhwal Commissioner Vinay Shankar Pandey, IG Garhwal Rajiv Swaroop, District Magistrate Dehradun Savin Bansal, MDDA Vice Chairman Bansidhar Tiwari, Director Sports Prashant Arya and SSP Dehradun Ajay Singh were among the senior officials present on the occasion.