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Sufficient prospects to encourage organic farming in Assam, the Center will offer complete support – Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan

Sufficient prospects to encourage organic farming in Assam, the Center will offer complete support – Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan

 Organic Farming: The Central Government would keep helping Assam as much as it can in the best interests of farmers and the agricultural industry. Minister of Union Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

Atul Bora, the minister of agriculture for Assam, pays a visit to Shivraj Singh Chouhan, the minister of union agriculture, farmers’ welfare, and rural development, in New Delhi.

Organic Farming: Union Minister of Agriculture, Farmers Welfare, and Rural Development Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan launched State-by-State talks to accelerate the growth of the agriculture sector in the nation. Today, at Krishi Bhavan in New Delhi, the Union Minister met with a high-level delegation that included Shri Atul Bora, the Minister of Agriculture for Assam. In addition to horticulture, PMFBY, boosting storage capacity, and enhancing soil health in Assam, many other issues pertaining to agriculture and farmer welfare were covered during the debate. Union Minister Shri Chouhan stated that the Central Government will continue to fully support Assam in organizing capacity-building workshops and training because, under Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s leadership, the interests of farmers and the agriculture sector are paramount.

State-by-State negotiations were started by Union Minister of Agriculture, Farmers Welfare, and Rural Development Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan in an effort to hasten the expansion of the country’s agriculture industry. The Assamese Minister of Agriculture, Shri Atul Bora, was among the high-level delegation that the Union Minister met with today at Krishi Bhavan in New Delhi. Many other topics related to agriculture and farmer welfare were discussed throughout the debate, in addition to horticulture, PMFBY, increasing storage capacity, and improving soil health in Assam. Under Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi’s leadership, the interests of farmers and the agriculture sector are of utmost importance, according to Union Minister Shri Chouhan, who said that the Central Government will continue to fully support Assam in holding workshops and training aimed at strengthening capacity.

Senior representatives from the Central and State departments of agriculture and horticulture were also present, as was Union Secretary of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Sanjeev Chopra.

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