The ‘Beating the Retreat’ ceremony took place on Wednesday under the esteemed hospitality of Governor Mangubhai Patel, marking the conclusion of the Republic Day celebrations. The event was held at the Lal Parade Ground in Jahangirabad, where a total of 33 musical pieces were performed in front of the Governor. The performances included 12 compositions in the band concert and 21 in the band display. The band presentations were especially admired for their discipline, restraint, and uniformity.
The ceremony was attended by key figures including Chief Secretary Shri Anurag Jain, Director General of Police Shri Kailash Makwana, Additional Chief Secretary to the Governor Shri K.C. Gupta, as well as other senior officers, police officials, and invited guests.
The Police Brass Band Concert captivated the audience with patriotic and film songs, starting with “Raag Yaman” and continuing with beloved tunes like “Ae Watan Watan Mere,” “Pukarta Chala Hoon Main,” “Teri Mitti,” and others. The grand finale featured the song “Jai Ho,” which was met with resounding applause.
The Band Display followed the concert, with performances by the Massed Band, Police Pipe Band, and Police Brass Band. The bands performed various marches, including Fanfare, Quick March, Entry March, Slow March, and Exit March, leaving the audience spellbound. A drum roll was presented by the Massed Band before the retreat, and the closing march was accompanied by the song “Saare Jahan Se Achcha.”
The ceremony concluded with the respectful lowering of the national flag by the women police force, followed by grand fireworks that added to the festive spirit.
Notably, the ‘Beating the Retreat’ ceremony, which signals the end of Republic Day celebrations, is held in Delhi and Bhopal. It is an ancient military tradition where soldiers retreat from the battlefield after the bugle sounds, and flags and standards are taken down, symbolizing the end of the combat.