The wholesale price index of all commodities of the state in the month of November, 2024 was 401.32 with a decrease of 0.82 percent compared to the previous month on the base year (1999-2000). In the month of November, 2024, the primary commodity group index was 457.69 and fuel,The power, light and lubricant group index was 568.11 and the manufactured products group index was 308.62 points. Inflation based on the monthly general wholesale price index of the state was 2.54 percent in November 2024 as compared to November last year.
Director and Joint Secretary of the Department of Economic and Statistics, Mr. Vinesh Singhvi said that the wholesale price index of the primary commodity group in the month of November, 2024 stood at 457.69 with a decrease of 2.04 percent compared to the previous month.The main reason for decrease in the primary commodity group index is the decrease of 2.19 percent in the agriculture sub-group index and 0.95 percent in the mineral sub-group index.
He said that under the index of agriculture item group in the primary commodity group, in the month under review, a decrease of 3.85 per cent was recorded in pulses, 52.71 per cent in fruits, 10.13 per cent in vegetables, 0.20 per cent in fibre, 1.58 per cent in oilseeds and 5.75 per cent in other non-food items.
Under the mineral sub-group index, a decrease of 0.95 percent was registered in the month under review. In which mainly gypsum has registered a decrease of 2.08 percent, limestone 0.49 percent and silver has registered a decrease of 19.51 percent.
The index of fuel, power, light and lubricants group stood at 568.11 points during the month of November, 2024. The year-on-year inflation rate of the fuel, power, light and lubricants group index decreased by 2.26 percent as compared to last year.
The wholesale price index, manufactured products group index stood at 308.62 points in the month of November, 2024, in which a decrease of 0.06 percent was observed as compared to the previous month. During the period under review, the index of chemicals sub-group declined by 1.32 per cent, while the index of food products sub-group declined by 0.33 per cent, wood and wood products sub-group by 0.36 per cent, basic precious metals sub-group by 0.38 per cent andAnd the index of non-ferrous metals sub-group has increased by 0.05 percent and the general purpose machinery sub-group has increased by 0.04 percent. The year-on-year inflation rate of the manufactured products group index was recorded at 1.52 percent compared to last year.