CM Nitish Kumar launched the program to honour Bihari warriors who helped in the action against mining mafias who stole revenue through illegal mining under the Mines and Geology Department at ‘Sankalp’ located at 1, Anne Marg. On this occasion, the Chief Minister transferred the prize money to the accounts of 24 Bihari mining warriors to be honored by clicking the mouse. This amount is being given to those who give information about mining mafias who steal revenue by doing illegal mining. Under this, a reward of Rs. 5000 is being given to the warriors giving information about tractors and Rs. 10000 is being given to the warriors giving information about trucks. During the program, Principal Secretary of Mines and Geology Department, Shri Narmadeshwar Lal gave information about the latest work of his department through a presentation.During this, he gave detailed information about the work being done to prevent illegal mining, innovations being done in the department and other works. During the program, a short film based on the work of the Mines and Geology Department was presented.
On this occasion, Deputy Chief Minister Mr. Samrat Choudhary, Deputy Chief Minister-cum-Mines and Geology Department Minister Mr. Vijay Kumar Sinha, Water Resources-cum-Parliamentary Affairs Minister Mr. Vijay Kumar Choudhary, Chief Secretary Mr. Amrit Lal Meena,Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister Dr. S. Siddharth, Principal Secretary of Mines and Geology Department Mr. Narmadeshwar Lal, Special Officer to the Chief Minister Mr. Gopal Singh and Director of Mines and Geology Department Mr. Vinod Duhan were present.